
Launching 5/20/2024


1st Global Crypto Marketplace Offering KYB/KYC: Free

1st Global KYB/KYC Crypto Marketplace: 100% Verified Users


Beta: No sales honored: Testing Only  Beta: No sales honored: Testing Only  Beta: No sales honored: Testing Only

  • No Escrow
  • No Selling Fees
  • No Listing Fees
  • No Sign-Up Fees
  • No Commission Fees
  • No Subscription Fees
  • No Special Tokens Needed

Sample Listing Screenshots

TRUMART STOREFRONTS is a non-custodial platform. This means that it does not hold any of its users’ NFTs or cryptocurrency. This gives users full control over their assets.

TRUMART STOREFRONTS is a peer-to-peer platform. This means that TRUMART does not facilitate the sale or resale of NFTs between merchants and collectors. Instead, merchants and collectors interact directly with each other to negotiate prices and complete transactions.

TRUMART STOREFRONTS  does not hold any funds, transfer funds, or exchange cryptocurrency. When a buyer initiates a purchase, the funds are sent directly from the buyer’s wallet to the merchant’s wallet. TRUMART STOREFRONTS does not receive funds from the transaction. Merchants receive 100% of selling price.

TRUMART STOREFRONTS charges buyers a 5% platform fee when buying from a merchant. This fee is sent directly from the buyer’s wallet to TRUMART’s wallet.

TRUMART STOREFRONTS is not liable for false or misleading claims by merchants when listing their collectibles. Buyers are advised to do their own research before making a purchase.

TRUMART STOREFRONTS does not resolve disputes. If a buyer and seller have a dispute, they must resolve it themselves or call local law enforcement.

Pre-integrated with leading risk data services, financial institutions and fintechs can customize KYC, KYB, payment, AML, or account activity risk strategies to detect and prevent fraud at every customer interaction.

Dear New Trumart User,

Welcome to Trumart, a global e-commerce platform built on compliance and transparency. We require all merchants and users to pass a global AML and KYC compliance checkS to prevent fraud, money laundering, and funding terrorism.

We understand that you may already have passed a KYC and AML check with your hosted wallet provider. However, we require all users to pass a KYC and AML check through Trumart’s partner,, to ensure that we are meeting the highest compliance standards.

To pass the KYC and AML check, you will need to provide with some basic information about yourself, such as your name, address, date of birth, and government-issued ID. You may also be asked to pass a Liveness Check. This is a simple and quick webcam interface helping verify you are you.

Once you have successfully passed the KYC and AML check, you will be able to use Trumart’s full range of features, including buying and selling goods and services, depositing and withdrawing fiat and cryptocurrencies, and participating in our loyalty program.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us to create a safe and secure marketplace for everyone.

This screening process helps to ensure that everyone on our platform is who they say they are and that they are not using our platform for illegal activities.

Once you have passed the KYC/AML screening process, you will have instant access to all of the merchants on TruMart Storefronts.

Important information:

  • TruMart has no part in any user-initiated purchases and has no control over the emergent created NFT.
  • TruMart receives a 5% platform fee from the buyers wallet directly on every buyer-initiated purchase. Merchants and users pay nothing (Zero) to list or relist items. Collectors may relist bought items for free. Trumart receives a 5% platform fee for all other transaction directly from the buyers wallet.
  • All transactions are made in cryptocurrency only, controlled by the merchant-created NFT.
  • Merchant-created NFT smart contracts may only be bought with USDC (native Polygon Network), Polygon  MATIC, and USDC.e (bridged) on the Polygon Network.
  • Merchants receive 100% of the purchase price on a buyer-initiated purchases and is transferred directly from the buyer’s wallet to the merchant’s wallet via smart contract. TruMart receives a 5% platform fee from the buyer directly on initial purchases from a merchant.
  • TruMart simply connects merchants and users like a Craigslist or OfferUp, except TruMart is not involved in the transactions in any way.

We hope you enjoy using TruMart Storefronts!

Trumart: Crypto's Answer To Craigslist And Ebay

Our Story

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